FRIDAY CATBLOGGING….Fall is here! I know your puny human calendar says it’s still a few days away, but I know better because my seasonal alarm clock has spoken. A few days ago, after a summer of ignoring it, Domino once again demanded (literally) that we clear the junk off the sheepskin pod and put it back up on the couch for her to sleep in. This is a much better indicator than all that solstice/equinox stuff.
Though it may be a little iffy about which season is coming up. Last year Domino demanded the return of the pod right before winter. This is either an indication of a chilly fall ahead of us, or else an indication that Domino has a brain the size of a peanut. But look: if you had a brain the size of a peanut, you’d have trouble keeping track of seasons too. So don’t be too judgmental.
Meanwhile, Inkblot doesn’t need a pod or any other kind of sleep aid. Just a paw over his eyes and he’s set to go.