NETBOOKS….As part of my mission to stay hopelessly behind the curve in technology matters, I just yesterday discovered the existence of a new class of notebook computers called netbooks. I guess they’ve been around for nearly a year, but my local Micro Center didn’t carry any the last time I was there in August. Yesterday, though, they had half a dozen different models, all of them small enough to toss in a purse or tote without thinking twice, but with screens large enough (barely) to get real work done.
As it happens, I’ve always wanted something in exactly this form factor, so I almost bought one on the spot. But I didn’t. After all, I just bought a Mac notebook on impulse a few months ago. And it’s not like I compute mobile-ly very often anyway.
Still, they’re pretty damn cute. And cheap. And I think I want one. So consider this an open thread. Should I buy one? What kind? Anyone have any personal experiences to share?