With any luck, I’ll be on a plane to Georgia by the time you read this. I’m attending a conference this weekend with fellow members of the VLWC on — let’s see, what does it say here? Ah, yes: “Attendees will discuss major themes such as the restructuring of the financial industries, the development of regulatory systems, transparency in stimulus contracting, and the impacts of the stimulus on jobs and housing in local communities.” Exciting!
But you didn’t think I’d let you all face the weekend without Friday Catblogging, did you? Of course not. Today is portrait day, and they’re trying to look serious and businesslike. Did it work?
And hey — as long as I’ve got a captive audience here, a question: can anyone recommend a cheap and simple keystroke logger for Windows? I’m tired of losing posts, so I’d like to keep a continuous keystroke logger running so that I have at least a fighting chance of recovering stuff that disappears into the ether. Any help much appreciated.