Guess what, gang. It’s fundraising time!
Here’s the pitch: if you read my blog you’re up to speed on most of the greed, corruption and hypocrisy coming out of Wall Street and Washington. You know all about the carried interest loophole. You’ve heard of universal default. You know what a yield spread premium is.
And all for free! Sort of. Because I’m actually supported by Mother Jones magazine, which covers all this stuff and more — and producing the magazine is a pretty expensive enterprise. To do it, we rely on subscriptions, advertising, and donations to the Mother Jones Investigative Fund. And that’s where you come in.
Your contributions help keep our reporters at work (including me!) on these critical stories. We’re independent, nonprofit, and not afraid to take on the big guns of the financial industry. But we can do that only when our readers deliver the financial support we need to stay on the story. So if you can afford to part with a few dollars, click here to make a donation. It’s a quick credit card donation form, and if you contribute $35 or more you get a subscription to the magazine too.
Thanks! And the cats thank you too, since they think I get paid in cans of cat food. (Your donation, however, needs to be in dollars.)