Is the mainstream media giving a lot of attention to the “Democrats want to kill granny” meme? Commenter majun says, “My impression has been that FOX covers it as the unvarnished truth, MSNBC tends to make fun of it and debunk it a lot and CNN falls in the middle.” Sounds about right. And then there’s this exchange:
g.powell: But the right-wing crazies really believe this stuff about “kill granny”. My father is one of them. He moved up the schedule of some elective surgeries at the VA because he is convinced Obama is out to kill him.
Anonymous: Wow g. powell. Now that’s what I call irony! Moving up surgery within a govt run health care system (the VA) because govt-run health care is so scary.
g.powell: It’s worse than that, my dad hates the idea of socialized medicine — it would be a disaster for the country — but loves the VA. Don’t ask me to explain. I have thousand of these stories. The laws of physics and logic behave differently in Crazyland.
That’s from the land of the email chain letter. Just thought I’d share.