Video of my session at Netroots Nation doesn’t seem to be available anywhere, which means that I can’t watch it to see how it went. However, I got this from a friend who watched it live:
I thought you might enjoy the attached screen capture. You couldn’t see it, but throughout there were ads on the screen, most of which keyed off your name. We got ads for Canon toner DRUMS and oil DRUMS and all sorts of musical DRUMS and don’t you just love the way “targeted” advertising works on the Internet? I’m watching Kevin Drum so it follows that I might be in the market for a good oil drum.
Ain’t the intertubes great? On a more substantive note, not a single one of the panelists was opposed to reappointing Ben Bernanke. Not even Dean Baker! Et tu, Dean? This suggests to me that Bernanke is a shoo-in for winning a second term. If you can’t even get a bunch of liberals at Netroots Nation to oppose him, what are the odds that anyone else is going to lead the fight?