I don’t really care much about the Olympics, and the fact that Obama’s brief trip to Copenhagen got saturation coverage in the press this week struck me mostly as yet another testament to the modern media’s fundamental unseriousness. The triumph of gossip over substance continues its inexorable march.
That said, I hopped back over to The Corner a few minutes ago, and the Olympics are by far the biggest topic of conversation there this morning. But The Corner is a gossipy place, so that’s not such a big deal. What is stunning, though, is just how openly thrilled they are that America lost its bid. All because a president they don’t like decided to make a direct pitch for his adopted hometown. Ditto for the Weekly Standard, apparently. It sure doesn’t take much to turn these guys against their country, does it?
UPDATE: Much, much more here and here. I honestly had no idea things had gotten this deranged. Jesus.