The Onion’s AV Club rates the 30 best TV series of the decade here. Looking through it, what struck me is that I’ve seen almost none of them. Three, to be exact: Lost, The Office (UK version), and Firefly — the latter two solely on DVD.
I blame blogging. Seriously. I’ve never watched a ton of TV, but ever since I took up blogging I’ve watched even less. The problem is that blogging requires at least a couple of hours at the computer every evening. I don’t multitask well enough to blog and watch TV at the same time, so that means I can’t afford to watch more than one show per night at most. The solution, obviously, is a DVR, but I’m still holding out on that front. If Cox allowed multiple DVRs in the house for one low price, I think they would have snagged my business last month when I upgraded our service, but they don’t, and they didn’t. Maybe someday.