Annie Lowrey writes today about the quagmire caused by abuse of Senate holds:
President Barack Obama’s first year has brought an unusual number of holds, and on unusually prominent positions. One year into the Bush administration, there were 70 appointees awaiting confirmation. One year into the Obama administration, there are 177.
….The most absurd hold of 2009, perhaps, was on Miriam Sapiro, whom the Obama administration appointed to become a U.S. trade representative. Sen. Jim Bunning, a Republican from Kentucky, held up the respected Internet policy specialist’s nomination over — really — candy-flavored cigarettes.
….[TSA nominee Erroll] Southers isn’t on hold over concerns about his work performance, political leanings, or employment history. DeMint (one of Congress’s most avid holders, by reputation at least) is blocking Southers over concerns over unionization.
….Then there’s Lael Brainard, a former MIT economics professor and Brookings Institution fellow. The lauded economist was tapped to be the undersecretary for international affairs at the Treasury Department, spearheading U.S. economic policy relations with international governments and institutions such as the World Bank. But her approval was held up over muck-ups on her taxes.
What did I call this a few days ago? The institutionalization of personal pique? Something like that. But you know what? Unlike the filibuster, anonymous holds are just a tradition. They’re basically a threat to the Senate leadership: if you don’t respect my hold, I’ll withhold unanimous consent and bring the business of the Senate to a grinding halt.
But this is worth another look. Maybe Norm Ornstein or Tom Mann or Stan Collender can fill us in. Given that Republicans have basically adopted a scorched earth policy of forcing Democrats to jump through every parliamentary hurdle on every bill already, how much more can they slow things down? And if the answer is “a lot,” would it be worth the political heat? I imagine this is mostly an academic discussion, but it would still be interesting to find out. Just how much more can Republicans muck up the machinery of the Senate than they already have?