In case you missed it because you actually have a life, author Joe McGinniss, who’s writing a book about Sarah Palin, has rented the house next door to her. Palin immediately posted a Facebook greeting that included this line: “Wonder what kind of material he’ll gather while overlooking Piper’s bedroom, my little garden, and the family’s swimming hole?” The none-too-subtle insinuation that McGinniss is some kind of pedophile is vintage Palin, and undeniably disgusting.
Still, I have to wonder: am I the only lefty around who finds McGinniss’s action a little disturbing? McGinniss obviously isn’t breaking any laws, public figures have very little expectation (legal or otherwise) of privacy, and digging deep for book material is what any good journalist should do. Still. It seems a little over the top. Am I being too squeamish, allowing my personal conviction that even politicians deserve a certain zone of privacy to override my better judgment? In the age of Oprah, am I just a dinosaur? Or is McGinniss in fact crossing a line here? Comments?