The Denver Post reports that Republican gubernatorial candidate and former congressman Scott McInnis plagiarized a bunch of articles on water policy that he wrote a few years ago for the Hasan Family Foundation. McInnis blames it on his assistant, of course (they always do), but here’s the real affront to common sense:
McInnis’ water articles were a required part of his two-year fellowship at the Hasan Family Foundation in 2005 and 2006. The former congressman, who left office in 2004, was paid $300,000 to do speaking engagements and “research and write a monthly article on water issues that can be distributed to media and organizations as well as be available on the Internet.”
Crikey. They paid him $150,000 a year for a dozen short essays and a few speeches? Where do I sign up for a gig like that? I’m pretty sure I can get up to speed on water issues pretty quickly even without an assistant.