Earlier this week, David Frum wrote that although he’s been a Reaganite free market true believer for nearly 30 years, he recently realized that the bargain he thought he had made simply hasn’t been kept:
Especially after 2000, incomes did not much improve for middle-class Americans. The promise of macroeconomic stability proved a mirage: America and the world were hit in 2008 by the sharpest and widest financial crisis since the 1930s. Conservatives do not like to hear it, but the crisis originated in the malfunctioning of an under-regulated financial sector, not in government overspending or government over-generosity to less affluent homebuyers. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were bad actors, yes, but they could not have capsized the world economy by themselves. It took Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, AIG, and — maybe above all — Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s to do that.
….Speaking only personally, I cannot take seriously the idea that the worst thing that has happened in the past three years is that government got bigger. Or that money was borrowed. Or that the number of people on food stamps and unemployment insurance and Medicaid increased. The worst thing was that tens of millions of Americans — and not only Americans — were plunged into unemployment, foreclosure, poverty. If food stamps and unemployment insurance, and Medicaid mitigated those disasters, then two cheers for food stamps, unemployment insurance, and Medicaid.
Obviously Frum is still considerably to my right. There are just a lot of things we’re never going to agree on. But it’s nice to read this, and not because it moves Frum modestly in the direction of my own worldview. It’s nice to read it because it’s such an unusual concession to reality. The financial crisis of 2008 was a stupendous event, and it’s frankly stunning to me how few people seem to have responded to it in any substantive way. Occasional throat clearing aside, it’s been business as usual for a huge chunk of the political, business, and pundit class, especially on the right.
I just don’t get that. The Great Collapse was a big enough, and unexpected enough, event that it should have changed your mind at least a little bit about something. If it didn’t, you either have godlike powers of prognostication or else you’ve simply decided not to let real world events ever affect your worldview. I’m willing to put money on the latter.