Hooray! We have bipartisan agreement at last. Political insiders on both sides of the aisle agree: Newt Gingrich would be a disaster for Republicans. National Journal quantifies this for us today:
This comes via Jonathan Bernstein, who gleefully passes along the following quotes:
- “Winning the presidency is all about discipline, focus, and organization,” said one Republican Insider, “none of which are strong suits for Gingrich.”
- “With Newt, we go to bed every night thinking that tomorrow might be the day he implodes,” said another Republican. “Not good for our confidence — or fundraising.”
- A third Republican stated plainly, “Gingrich is not stable enough emotionally to be the nominee — let alone, the president.”
- “Bigfoot dressed as a circus clown would have a better chance of beating President Obama than Newt Gingrich, a similarly farcical character,” quipped a Republican.
- “Come on,” sighed another GOP Insider, “the White House is probably giving money to Gingrich as we speak.”
I guess Newt still has a wee bit of confidence building to do. But he’s a master of language as a key mechanism of control, so I’m sure he’s up to the job.