Dave Weigel explains that “you didn’t build that” is a whole new kind of gaffe:
Call it a magic word gaffe—a statement that reveals not what a politician believes, but what you already feared, in your bone marrow, that a politician believes. Democrats still can’t understand why Obama’s speech is supposed to offend anyone. Republicans know that he’s a closet socialist, and that this sentiment only comes out when his energy is flagging.
Yep. The proposition that Barack Obama was actually saying — literally — that business owners don’t build their own businesses doesn’t make a lick of sense. Unless, that is, you’re already convinced that he believes this, and only now has he finally tripped up and admitted it. In that case, it makes all the sense in the world. And what does this contempt for business owners translate into, policy-wise? An increase in the top marginal tax rate from 35% to 39.6%. Apparently this is the rallying cry of today’s socialist revolutionaries:
What do you want?
Higher marginal tax rates on income over $250,000!
When do you want it?
At the beginning of 2013, or possibly phased in over time if that’s not feasible!
This whole affair is so mind-numbingly stupid that I can only barely stand to keep reading my RSS feed while it’s still going on. But I’m a professional, and the show must go on. I hope you all appreciate what I’m doing for you.