The public is generally opposed to defunding Obamacare, but it’s a close call. However, when the question is whether it’s worth shutting down the government in order to defund Obamacare, it’s not a close call at all according to a new CNBC poll:
Opposition to defunding increases sharply when the issue of shutting down the government and defaulting is included. In that case, Americans oppose defunding 59 percent to 19 percent, with 18 percent of respondents unsure.
….When including the issue of a government shutdown and default, [] 48 percent of Republicans oppose defunding Obamacare, while 36 percent support it. However, a 54 percent majority of Republicans who also identify themselves as Tea Party supporters want the new health care law defunded even if it means a government shutdown — the only demographic measured in the poll with such a majority.
….Independents are more troubled by the prospect of defunding Obamacare and shutting down the government than the broader population. In general, they oppose defunding by a slight plurality of 44 percent to 40 percent. However, when the issue of shutting down the government is included, opposition to the measure swells to 65 percent, while support drops to just 14 percent.
Nobody wants to shut down the government over Obamacare except for hard-core tea partiers. Among independents, opposition to hostage taking is an amazing 65-14 percent. Now tell me again about how Republicans are somehow going to convince the public to blame a shutdown on Democrats?