Tyler Cowen says today that “The forthcoming Thomas Piketty book will be very important.”
That “will be” is sort of interesting. You see, the name of the book is Le capital au xxie siècle, and it was published three months ago. But no one is talking about it. Presumably, it will become very important—and very talked about—only next March, when Capital in the 21st Century hits the shelves.
I don’t have any grand point to make. It’s just interesting that fluent French is now so rarely spoken among American academics that an important French book can’t even get the time of day until its English translation comes out. It makes sense that widespread conversation would have to wait, since you can’t very well have that until lots of people have read the book, but you’d think there would be at least a few reviews out there along with a bit of discussion. But if there has been, I’ve missed it.