The Mother Jones Investigative Fund is the secret behind some of the best work Mother Jones does. Right now we’re trying to raise an infusion of $65,000 over the next two weeks, and I’m worried that we won’t reach our goal.
The urgency is real. Just look at the headlines: The pivotal midterm elections are approaching, with nearly unlimited “dark money” flowing to candidates. Politicians are itching to send our military back into the Middle East quagmire. Our police forces are being militarized at a scary pace. Women, immigrants, and the poor are under attack.
But Mother Jones is fighting back. We expose the powerful, reveal the truth, and shape the national debate with solid, unassailable reporting. If you support this kind of reporting, please donate $5 or more to our investigative fund. Your gift of any amount is fully tax-deductible, and we’ll immediately use it to support Mother Jones’ reporting.
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