On Tuesday I landed in the emergency room once again, and with the same results: there’s nothing wrong with me. Nothing aside from a debilitating fatigue and lassitude, that is. But whatever it is, my oncologist doesn’t think it’s related to the chemo meds, and the ER doc was unable to find any other likely medical cause. So it’s a mystery.
On the good news front, my biopsy results came back and were quite positive. So I’m now firmly scheduled for stage 2 of my treatment, a stem cell transplant at City of Hope. This will happen in April, but there are going to be plenty of preliminaries in the meantime. More details as they become available.
As for blogging, I just don’t know. What’s happened to me over the past week is unexpected, unexplained, and quite frankly scary. I don’t know how I’m going to feel from day to day, but I have a feeling that the next few weeks—or perhaps months—are going to be fairly unpleasant and unproductive. I’ll talk to my editors about this shortly and figure out a plan.
Wish me luck.