Last night a friend pointed me to a piece at Mediaite by Tommy Christopher. Christopher asked Quinnipiac for the crosstabs of that famous poll in which the top description of Hillary Clinton was “liar,” and what he discovered will surprise exactly no one. You can click the link for all the gory details, but here it is in a nutshell: roughly speaking, the only people who described Hillary as a liar were Republicans. And the reason that word so badly outnumbered the others is that Republicans used it in lockstep. The positive descriptions of Hillary were all over the map, so no single one of them racked up big numbers.
In other words, there’s actually no news here at all. Republicans hate Hillary, Democrats love Hillary, and independents are unsure. It may well be that Hillary Clinton has an image problem that she needs to work on, but it’s pretty much the same image problem she’s had forever.