Apparently Hillary Clinton has single-handedly dealt the pro-choice movement a death blow:
Asked on Meet the Press by Chuck Todd whether “an unborn child ha[s] constitutional rights,” Clinton admitted that under current law, “the unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights.”
The pro-choice movement takes extreme care to avoid calling an unborn child a person — preferring the term “fetus” in order to preserve the argument that abortion involves the well-being of only one person, not two….Words matter deeply to the security of an increasingly weakening pro-choice movement. The cracks in their armor have become more clear with scientific advances and the ability to lower the age of infant viability, so when a powerful voice for their cause accidentally reveals the truth — they take a hit.
….Hillary Clinton will never admit that these unborn babies deserve any rights, but she will now have to live with the fact she’s admitted that killing a “person” should be perfectly legal.
I guess that’s that. Thanks a lot, Hillary. Now we’ll have to come up with some entirely new subterfuge to justify our baffling hatred of blastocysts, embryos, and fetuses.
Sigh. Do these folks really think that stuff like this blows the lid off the pro-choice movement? Seriously?