Donald Trump has been falling in the polls since last Friday. How has he responded to this pressure? Let us count the ways:
- Interrupted a rally specifically to gather his gaggle of reporters and complain that a fire marshal had restricted attendance. He implied it was a political decision. This was his second attack on a fire marshal in three days.
- Kept up his drumbeat of attacks on Khizr Khan. His right-hand-man, Roger Stone, issued a tweet suggesting that Khan was a “Muslim Brotherhood agent.”
- Asked about Khan’s claim that he had never sacrificed anything, said that employing thousands of people was a sacrifice.
- Lied about receiving a letter from the NFL asking him to change the dates of the presidential debates so they weren’t opposite football games.
- Praised Paul Nehlen, Paul Ryan’s primary challenger.
- Suggested that he might take away the New York Times’ press credentials. He has already banned the Washington Post from his events.
- Told a crowd of supporters, “I’m afraid the election’s gonna be rigged, I have to be honest.”
- Fired the aide who planned the Republican convention.
Have I missed anything? Keep in mind that this is just over the past couple of days. Is it any wonder that Republicans are starting to wonder if Trump is suffering from some kind of genuine mental derangement?