Here is Donald Trump’s latest pathetic bid for attention:
Hannity asked Trump what he would do about individuals like Seddique Mateen, the Afghanistan-born father of the man who killed dozens in an Orlando nightclub in June and has criticized the U.S. “What do we do when we find somebody that has extreme views?” Hannity asked in a town hall that was taped Tuesday but aired Wednesday so that it wouldn’t interfere with the live broadcast of Trump’s speech in Milwaukee. “Do we throw them the hell out?
“I’d throw him out,” Trump said of Mateen, who is a naturalized U.S. citizen. “If you look at him, I’d throw him out.”
Yeah yeah. Maybe Hillary Clinton will throw Trump out after she becomes president. He’s been pretty critical of America, after all. Unfortunately, she’d have the same problem Trump would have if he tried to expel Mateen: nobody would take him.1
This is just the latest in Trump’s transparent bids for attention. He’s not going to throw anyone out. He knows he’s not going to throw anyone out. Hannity knows it. The audience knows it. I know it. You know it.
But maybe it will get a headline or two. If it doesn’t, he’ll suggest building a prison for all these America haters at the North Pole. Maybe that will get him some attention. If not, how about Mars? What do you think about that?
1That’s aside from the fact that it would be totally illegal, of course.