Jacquelyn Martin/AP
Spike Lee converses with Bernie Sanders in the Guardian today:
Lee: Were you ever offered the VP position, sir?
Sanders: No. Absolutely not.
Lee: Would you have taken it?
Sanders: Er. Probably, yes. But that’s again looking through the rear-view mirror.
Huh. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Sanders say that before. Or has he? In any case, can you imagine what the office of VP would be like after eight years of Biden and then eight years of Sanders?
More seriously, I wonder what kind of ticket that would have been? The upsides are obvious, but there are downsides too. I’m not sure what the ultimate effect would have been.
BTW, in the same interview Sanders agrees with Lee that “it would be hard to suggest that the people of this country were enthusiastic about the Clinton campaign.” He’s getting a lot of crap for this on social media, but come on. My issues with Sanders are on the record, but it’s hard to deny that someone with unfavorables in the mid-50s didn’t generate a ton of enthusiasm. This wasn’t all Clinton’s fault, but it is what it is.