President Trump long ago gave up on the fib he told repeatedly throughout the campaign about having a secret plan to defeat ISIS. There was never any plan, so now it’s up to the Pentagon to come up with one. They should have it ready for Trump in a few days, and this morning the LA Times gives us a preview:
The month-long strategic review, which Trump requested Jan. 28, is expected to include proposals to send more U.S. troops to both countries, deploy more U.S. forces near the front lines, give greater authority to ground commanders, and possibly provide weapons to Kurdish YPG fighters in Syria.
….U.S. analysts said they don’t expect the new plan to differ dramatically from the Obama administration’s approach, at least in Iraq.
No, of course it won’t differ much from Obama’s approach. That’s because Obama’s approach is pretty much the only possible approach unless you’re willing to send tens of thousands of front-line troops to Iraq to do the fighting. Nobody, including Trump, is willing to do that, so you’re left with only tweaks here and there. A few more advisors, an uptick in bombing runs, small changes in the rules of engagement, etc. That’s been true from the start.
Trump, of course, will sell his base on the fiction that this plan is a radical toughening up of Obama’s feckless approach, and they’ll believe him. Eventually it will work, whether or not they make changes to Obama’s plan, and then Trump will crow endlessly that this is what happens when you put a man of action in the White House. Sigh.