This weatherbeaten house outside of Caherdaniel caught my eye a few days ago. This is the kind of photo where your mileage will vary about how much you like it, but it grew on me. In fact, I briefly thought about doing a series of photos of weatherbeaten Irish houses, but after shooting a half dozen or so I called it quits. They just weren’t that good. This one really was uniquely interesting.
This picture, by the way, has been Photoshopped to within an inch of its life. I straightened it. I fixed the perspective to get the square-on look I wanted. I brightened the house itself. I eliminated an alarm system above the doorway. I added some color saturation to the foliage in front. And I used haze removal to give the sky a little bit of definition. Then, after it was all done and reduced to 2000 pixels, I sharpened it. Were these the right decisions? There are a thousand different ways you could manipulate this image, all with their own virtues. This is just the one I chose.
I should also mention that this house is for sale! Like most of the properties around here, it’s represented by Brid Moran, auctioneer, and I’m sure she’d be happy to entertain your offer. Just click here.