Ah, partisanship:

This is from a YouGov poll via Catherine Rampell. There’s some partisanship visible on both side, but way, way more among Republicans. When Democrats were asked about Javanka, more of them were critical than they were of Hillary Clinton, but only by 14 percentage points. Conversely, when Republicans were asked the same thing, they were a whopping 41 points less likely to be critical.
The acronym for this is IOKIYAR—It’s OK If You’re A Republican—and it’s a very consistent theme. Democrats display some partisanship, but usually in modest amounts. Republicans do the same, but in vast amounts.
In other words, while it’s true that “both sides do it,” one side really does do it a helluva lot more than the other. We see this over and over and over, and this is just the latest example.