Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach on election night, conceding defeat to Democrat Laura Kelly, who crushed him in a state that Trump won by 21 points.Mark Reinstein/ZUMA
Everyone’s favorite story from last night is about Kris Kobach’s set of demands before he’d accept a job as Donald Trump’s “immigration czar”:

24/7 access to a government jet! Just in case the czar needs to conduct an emergency visit to the border at 3 am.
But the best part is this bland sentence in the New York Times piece: “The list was described by three people familiar with it.” A lot of people must really have it in for Kobach, since leaking this list would obviously doom his appointment—assuming the demands themselves hadn’t already done it.
Like Ted Cruz, Kobach is truly an odious person who nobody likes. Even his fellow Kansans want nothing to do with him these days. Someone needs to give him a late night gig on Fox News and then the rest of us can forget he ever existed.