One of the things I wanted to get on my Arizona trip was a picture of a long, straight road disappearing into infinity. As it turns out I got several, but this one was the best. It was dead straight; it was a rural road in red rock country; and it started at the top of a low hill, which is the only way to get a proper shot like this.
This is a panoramic photo. I took five shots and merged them together when I got home. As it turned out, I only needed three of them, but I definitely needed those three. A single shot, even with a wide angle lens, simply couldn’t have captured the wide open look of the desert West that I got here.
A black-and-white version is at the bottom, and this is a rare case where I might like it better than the color version. It loses the color of the red rock on the left, but it gains something of an Old West look to it. I could go either way on this.
UPDATE: I’ve replaced the color version with one that has a less overprocessed sky.