Today is crash day, so it’s not likely I’ll be posting much of anything. But yesterday I caught up with our kittens to see how they were doing, so I’ll put them up as a stress reducer for the rest of the day. They are now four months old and not really even kittens anymore, but they’re still adorable.
And if you love kittens, how about showing your love by pitching in a few dollars for our fundraising drive? I’ll have more to say about this later, but for now just click here if your stimulus check is burning a hole in your pocket.
First up is Blackie, in her Vogue fashion shot beautifully framed by red flowers in my mother’s backyard:
Here is Stripey, begging for an award as cutest kitten ever:
And Grayson, who is camera shy and hard to get a good picture of:
Here is mama Meowser under the orange tree:
And finally, as long as I was there, here is Tillamook looking annoyed that I found his hidey hole under the car: