Yesterday I showed you a picture of the border fence near Jacumba Hot Springs. Today I have a picture of the end of the fence. There’s nothing photogenic about this, however. It’s purely photojournalism. As you can see, when the fence hits a hill, it just stops. There’s precisely nothing to prevent someone from walking up to this section of the fence and walking across.
That is, there’s nothing except the Border Patrol, which is presumably keeping an eye on places like this. But there’s at least a mile or two of unprotected border that goes over this hill, so there’s a fair amount for the Border Patrol to watch. And I imagine there are lots of places just like this one.
None of this means the fence is useless, but it does mean that it’s primarily guards and patrol officers who are responsible for preventing illegal crossings, not the fence itself. This has been true of border walls and fences throughout human history.