Red Alert
It was billed as America’s frontline defense against terrorism. But badly underfunded, hamstrung by special interests, and ignored by the White House, the Department of Homeland Security has been sidelined by the administration’s obsession with Iraq.


The New Ward Heelers

They don’t work for a political party and can’t canmpaign for any candidate. But the organizers of 527 groups may nonetheless be the key to victory. 

The Way It Was

In the 1960s, the author had a dangerous late abortion. If the antiabortion forces have their way, her story could become commonplace again. 

Frontier Justice

With a carrot and a stick, Pakistan is forcing remote tribes to search for Osama bin Laden and his followers — or else.

Crossing the Lines

The inside story of how a top Pentagon official and influential Republicans tried to deliver Iraq’s lucrative wireless market to Qualcomm.

For a Week’s Worth of Gas

In Wyoming’s Upper Green River Valley and across the West, crucial wildlife habitat is being sacrificed in the name of the Bush-Cheney energy plan.


Editor’s Note

The GOP invents the “lawsuit crisis” ; The real-life MATRIX: What’s your “terrorist factor”?; How God voted down a morning-after pill; The Diddly AwardBlowing the whistle on Halliburton; plus, our 11th annual roundup of campus activism

Faith in the System
The church of state: exploring the politics of piety

He Loves Us Not

Forget Monica. Bush has his own problem with women. 

The Kean Mutiny

He was expected to be a compliant replacement for Kissinger. But as chairman of the 9/11 commission, Tom Kean preferred the truth.

Pete Seeger’s Last War

From his Beacon home along the Hudson, Pete Seeger still lights the way for the left.

The Deserted

Bordering on genocide

Shannon Brownlee reviews two insider accounts of the corruption of medical science; Chuck D on hip-hop’s electoral awakening; plus more book, music, and film reviews

Resources for getting involved

New Paranormal Phenomena Observed in Florida’s Voting Booths
Cartoon by Greg Clarke