The market has lost trillions, decimating our retirement savings. Where’d the money go, and who’s responsible? MoJo senior correspondent James Ridgeway tackles the topic in "Who Shredded Our Safety Net?", with companion pieces by Pulitzer Prize winner David Cay Johnston ("Rip-Off Artists"), journalist Sasha Abramsky ("No Country for Middle-Aged Men"), and economist James K. Galbraith ("Security Blanket"). Illustrations by Asaf Hanuka run throughout.

MoJo reporter Bruce Falconer ("The FBI’s Least Wanted") really hopes he’s not being tailed. Photographer Andrew Cutraro is based in DC but says his "heart remains firmly outside the Beltway."

Contributing writer Robert Dreyfuss ("Obama’s Great Gamble") is the author of Devil’s Game: How America Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam.

Photographer Jonathan Torgovnik ("Can You Love a Child of Rape?") spent three years in Rwanda documenting the aftermath of genocide.

Kevin Drum ("Banks of America") writes on bank nationalization and cats at his blog.

Chris Jordan

Chris Jordan

Asaf Hanuka

Asaf Hanuka

Susan Burton

Susan Burton


Jonathan Stein

Jonathan Stein

Joel Makower

Joel Makower

Elizabeth Royte

Elizabeth Royte

We’re burying the planet in a pile of waste. How can we dig out? Tasked to talk trash were Bill McKibben and photographer Chris Jordan("Waste Not Want Not"), Garbage Land author Elizabeth Royte ("Give My Discards to Broadway"), writer and radio producer Susan Burton and illustrator Maurice Vellekoop ("Recycling? Fuhgeddaboudit"), science writer Jennifer Kahn ("Plastic. Fantastic?"), and MoJo> reporter Josh Harkinson ("Sludge Happens"). Also contributing an adaptation from his book Strategies for the Green Economy is Joel Makower ("Industrial Strength Solution"), the editor of

Contributing writer Joshua Kurlantzick ("Enter the Dragon") is the author of The Charm Offensive: How China’s Soft Power Is Transforming the World.

David Corn ("The Boy Scout of Baghdad") heads up MoJo‘s Washington bureau, where Jonathan Stein ("Party Hacks") and Stephanie Mencimer ("Hormonal Outrage") are reporters.

Senior editor Dave Gilson ("Give When It Hurts") swears this is not the first time he’s been named as a contributor to a nonprofit.

Contributing writer Ted Genoways ("The Hard Sell") is the editor of Virginia Quarterly Review.