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Attack on the Middle Class!!
- Will a confused and frightened citizenry vote against its own interests?
- The Long Con
- Attention tea partiers: The head you’re putting on the chopping block may be your own.
- Attack on the Middle Class!!
- First they came after your paycheck. Then your house. What’s next?
- Will Obama Put Up a Fight?
- How Obama lost control of the economic message.
- Invasion of the Brain-Devouring Platitudes
- Five election-year memes I never want to hear again. Ever.
- What Killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones?
A nighttime raid. A reality TV crew. A sleeping seven-year-old. What one tragedy says about the unraveling of America’s middle class.
- Home Wreckers
How fishy foreclosures earned millions for lawyers like David J. Stern—and made the housing crisis even worse.
- Junkets for Jesus
Why are congressmen traveling the globe to minister to despots on the taxpayers’ dime?
- A Fistful of Dollars
Crime is rampant. The cops and courts are a joke. That’s why residents of Oklahoma’s Indian nations turn to a bruiser-for-hire like Ruben.
As a public service, Mother Jones, which is a nonprofit magazine, will release the full contents of this issue online over the next several weeks. If you’d like your Mother Jones sooner—and you want to support independent investigative journalism—please subscribe now.
Gay? Sorry, no foster home for you; Al Gore’s inconvenient Truthers; Rand Paul’s media paranoia; secessionists from sea to shining sea; immigration judge burnout; the right’s legal shock troops; college carnivores vs. Michael Pollan
Mixed Media
The Omnivore’s Agenda, Going Androidgenous, music, books, and film reviews.
The Good, the Bad, and the Snuggly
- Reduced-guilt gifts for the little people on your list
- An Inconvenient Vermouth
- Think globally, drink locally: the greenest booze for your holiday buck.
Cover illustration by Zina Saunders