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- Follow the Dark Money
- The long and dirty history of secret spending, PACs gone wild, and the epic fight over the only political capital that matters
- Undoing Citizens United
- The DIY guide
- The Dog That Voted
- And other curious tales Republicans are peddling to fuel the biggest attack on voters since Jim Crow
There Grows the Neighborhood
Chicago’s backyard farmers replace drugs and violence with arugula and sprouts.
License to Kill
Years before Trayvon Martin’s death, Florida adopted the NRA’s most radical proposals. Now those laws have spread nationwide.
Wild Wild West
On the road with Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), the Obama-hatin’, Muslim-jeering, ex-Army badass who rules the tea party
As a public service, Mother Jones, which is a nonprofit magazine, will release the full contents of this issue online over the next several weeks. If you’d like your Mother Jones sooner—and you want to support independent investigative journalism—please subscribe now.
Rich-people problems! Helicopters and millionaires overwhelm the Hamptons; $3,391/hour: the cost of running for Congress; The rise of the brogrammer; Jim Messina’s campaign to reelect the president; All the presidents’ cooties
Mixed Media
How Jad Abumrad blew up (and revived) public radio; From Persepolis to Paris; tUnE-yArDs’ loopy pop; Joe Sacco sketches war; W. Kamau Bell pulls a Jon Stewart on racism; Plus book, film, and music reviews
Food + Health
- 50 Ways to Leave Your Lipitor
- Are your drugs killing fish?
- What Not to Wear
- Skinny jeans starve farmers to death.
Cover: Self-portrait by Dale Stephanos, Gun Spot by Jason Schneider
In our cover story, reporter 1 Andy Kroll (“Follow the Dark Money“) writes about the secret history of campaign cash. The art is by 2 Steve Brodner, a Mother Jones illustrator of 25 years.
While researching his piece on voting fraud, blogger 3 Kevin Drum (“The Dog That Voted“) learned of Florida voting booths from the 2000 election being sold on eBay. The piece’s illustrator, 4 Barry Blitt, has drawn more than 70 New Yorker covers.
Award winner 5 Emily Schiffer (“There Grows the Neighborhood“) shot our photo essay about Chicago’s food deserts. Preeminent chronicler of Chicago Alex Kotlowitz wrote the accompanying story.
Reporter Adam Weinstein (“License to Kill“), a third-generation gun collector, invited NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer to the shooting range for an interview on Florida’s gun laws. She didn’t respond. The story’s charts are the work of editorial fellow Hannah Levintova and senior editor Dave Gilson, who is a bit embarrassed by just how excited he got crunching 10 years of FBI crime data.
Reporter Tim Murphy (“Wild Wild West“) was barred from a speech given by Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) because he’d been marked a “troublemaker.”
Research editor 6 Maddie Oatman, who prefers podcasts to music while jogging, profiled Jad Abumrad, cohost of the science program Radiolab.
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