News sources:
Independent Media Center
A great resource for up-to-the-minute coverage as well as detailed background on how Prague is handling the convention and the state of globalization.
Independent news reports, photographs, and video from the protest front in Prague.
The Independent International
A weekly British newspaper with fresh Prague news.
Czech Today
An objective news portal offering updated news articles as well as schedules of events, IMF background, and photos.
IGC Peace Net
Read updates from IGC members and participate in discussions.
Radio Prague
News stories audio clips directly from the Czech Republic. Also general information about the Czech Republic and the IMF.
News for Change
Updates on events from a Western perspective
Czech News Agency
Timely updates on events in Prague
Waking up the Power Elite
From The Nation.
The IMF — Peddling Misery
From the Washington Post
Prague protests — bashing those who truly help the poor
From the Minneapolis Star Tribune
The Case for Globalisation
From The Economist
Activist groups:
Initiative Against Economic Globalization, Prague 2000. The umbrella group of peaceful anarchists, environmentalists, and human rights activists that is coordinating much of the protests.
Associazione Ya Basta
Zapatista-affiliated group in Italy
Workers Power
Labor activists in Prague
Mobilization for Global Justice
An umbrella group for organizations working against globalization
People’s Global Alliance
Opposition group focusing on the World Trade Organization
The Committee for the Establishment of Civilisation
Coordinating anarchist and grassroots actions
Corporate Watch
Global watchdog site, featuring regular dispatches from the streets of Prague and a good backgrounder on the World Bank and IMF. :
Did we miss a source or activist group? Let us know. Email MoJo at