It won’t come as a surprise,but the bellwether Marist Poll in New York State out today is showing Democrats are set to sweep the state, and on pretty wide margins.For governor, Eliot Spitzer has 70 percent to John Faso’s 22 percent
Former HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo is running well ahead of former Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro, 56-36.
Hillary Clinton leads Republican John Spencer by 37 percentage points, and she gets a 58 percent approval rating from likely voters..
A majority of likely voters — 62 percent — in New York State intend to support a Democratic candidate for Congress. That includes non-enrolled independent voters and about one in 5 Republicans. Twenty seven percent of the likely voters will cast a Republican ballot.
Key issues: 82 percent of registered voters think the Iraq war and the war on terrorism are major factors, followed by Bush himself.
And then there is this: CQ Politics quotes an unnamed insider Republican as saying, they are trying to shore up voters painting “fear of a Democratic majority,” adding, “We’ve pretty much blown every other issue. Fear is the only motivating factor left on the table.”
And the GOP is wildly trying to scare its base by painting the horrors to come should Nancy Pelosi become Speaker.