Now this is truly bizarre. In Maryland, where I spent most of the day reporting on technical snafus with the state’s electronic voting system, the GOP was handing out campaign literature that listed Maryland Governor Bob Ehrlich, who’s running for reelection, and Lt. Governor Michael Steele, who’s running against Ben Cardin for an open Senate seat, as Democrats. “The intent could not be clearer: to confuse those looking to vote a straight Democratic ticket,” the Washington Monthly reports. It gets stranger from here:
I talked to the man who handed me the pamphlet. A thirty-something African-American who wouldn’t give his name, he told me that, starting last Friday, some people had come to the Philadelphia homeless shelter where he said he volunteers, and had begun to recruit residents. Eventually, he said that 300 people filled five buses. He said he was paid $100 for the day’s work.
And this just in from the AP:
Governor Ehrlich’s campaign is acknowledging that it paid for fliers handed out on Election Day, suggesting Ehrlich and Michael Steele are Democrats.
I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.
UPDATE: As Clara notes below, it looks like Steele’s Senate bid was unsuccessful.