The Obama campaign has the quickest video team on these here internets. It already has an ad up on what is quickly becoming my new favorite story.
I know they had to keep it simple, but I would have tried to work in this point. Take a look at the spending habits of the McCains (“Cindy McCain charged as much as $500,000 in a single month on one American Express card and $250,000 on another”) and the fact that they have so many million-dollar homes that John McCain can’t even remember them all. And then consider the fact that wasteful spending is supposedly John McCain’s animating passion.
I view this as a more serious hypocrisy that John Edwards’ zip code-sized house. And we all know how long that story hung around.
Update: Another point Obama’s team could have made: how can someone oversee the housing crisis when he doesn’t have any day-to-day concerns about his own mortgage? Or mortgages, as the case may be? How can this person set tax rates for the middle class? All of that is implied, I suppose…