what: Fabuless
slims by: Downing a concoction of palm and oat oils slows digestion and produces a feeling of fullness, reducing caloric intake nearly 1/3.
the skinny: Some users report feeling bloated.
what: Conjugated linoleic acid
slims by: Promoting lean muscle growth
the skinny: Has been linked to type 2 diabetes
what: Nutraproteomics diet
slims by: Basing diet advice on your genetic makeup
the skinny: A dna test costs $525.
what: Soybean hulls
slims by: Decreasing fat in fried foods by as much as 36% without hurting “flavor, crispiness, or general liking”
the skinny: Fried foods still loaded with fat.
what: Rebiana sweetener
slims by: Has no calories
the skinny: This derivative of the stevia shrub has caused cancer and blocked sperm production in lab animals.