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I wish I’d thought of this. Thankfully, James Hrynyshyn at the Island of Doubt on Scienceblogs did. He decided to do what the Washington Post declined when it published Sarah Palin’s imaginary science in an op-ed piece today. Hrynyshyn tackled Sarah’s facts:
“The e-mails reveal that leading climate ‘experts’
deliberately destroyed[deleted copies of] records,manipulatedadjusted data to ‘hide the decline’ inglobalselect North Americantemperatures[tree-ring proxy data that conflicted with observational records], and tried tosilence[challenge]their[non-expert] critics’by preventing them from publishing[competency and the wisdom of allowing flawed papers to appear] in peer-reviewed journals.What’s more,[T]he documents show that there wasnoa real consensus even within the CRU crowd. [While s]ome scientists hadstrongdoubts about theaccuracy of estimatesreliability oftemperatures[proxy data] fromcenturies ago[the last three decades,estimates used to back claims that more recent temperatures are rising at an alarming rate,[the observational data since 1850 only confirms the science behind anthropogenic climate change].”
Hope is revived that WaPo will print my Op-Ed on UFOs! I’ve got rockin’ opinions.