Photo used under a Creatives Commons license by Flickr user <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/carrotcreative/2511539541/" target="_blank">carrotcreative</a>
Important news out of the Bay Area today: The Westboro Baptist Church, the quasi-cult from Kansas that protests at the funerals of dead soldiers and, well, everyone else, has finally found something it likes. But it’s protesting anyway. The group will be picketing the San Francisco offices of Twitter today to remind the company of its higher obligation:
We’re not protesting Twitter as a platform; that’s like picketing televison! =) We’re picketing the people who run @Twitter, who don’t use their position & voice to warn a generation of rebels of the consequences of their rebellion. Same goes for those at Foursquare & Gowalla (tho I personally find their products useless — at least relative to Twitter. =)
(For the definitive take on the WBC, check out MoJo‘s outstanding piece from 1999).