Today’s must reads:
- Underwear Bomber’s Dad Warned CIA Station Chief (ABC News)
- What Janet Napolitano Actually Said About The System “Working” (Balloon Juice)
- US, UK Shut Embassies in Yemen (NYT)
- Nate Silver’s 2010 Senate Race Rankings, December 2009 Edition (FiveThirtyEight)
- Read this magnificent profile of Whole Foods CEO John Mackey, who recently gave up his vote on the company’s board (The New Yorker)
- Marc Thiessen Swings, Misses Josh Marshall (Talking Points Memo)
- Shocker: Fed Chief Blames Weak Regulation, Not Fed, For Financial Crisis (NYT)
- OMG: An Intelligent Point from the WSJ’s Editorial Page! | The Anti-Terror Right’s Incentive Problem: Terrorism Helps Right-Wing Parties (Matt Yglesias)
- How Cheney Made America A Torture Nation | “This photo strikes some people as damning b/c Obama is black and he looks like he is condescending to a white man.” | Email of the Year | Torture = Tolkien’s One Ring (Andrew Sullivan)
- Iceland Agrees to Pay Britain and the Netherlands the Equivalent of $4.2 Trillion to Make Amends for Its Bankers (Dean Baker)
- Rick Sanchez FTW! (Talking Points Memo)
- Whoops! F.C.C. Chairman Spams Facebook Friends (NYT)
- “Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us… a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.” (Carl Sagan)
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