For the latest on environmental politics, see Blue Marble:
Energy Sec Unaware That Nuclear Loans Have 50 Percent Risk of Default
The Obama administration announced the first federal loan guarantee for a new nuclear plant on Tuesday. But Energy Secretary Steven Chu told reporters he was unaware of the Congressional Budget Office study that indicated a default rate of “well above 50 percent” for this type of loan.
Oil Companies Abandon Climate Partnership
ConocoPhillips, BP, and Caterpillar drop out of the United States Climate Action Partnership, the influential business-environmental group coalition formed to guide climate legislation.
Enviros Launch Offensive Against Blanche Lincoln
The Sierra Club joins the League of Conservation Voters in criticizing Arkansas Democrat Blanche Lincoln’s efforts to block the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating carbon dioxide.
Climate scientists offer some suggestions for improving the beleaguered Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in the latest edition of Nature, with recommendations ranging from hiring a full-time, paid staff, to establishing a Wikipedia-style forum where scientists can exchange ideas and information.