Last night, PBS aired “America After Ferguson,” a town hall about race in America. A lot of really interesting and intelligent things were said! You should watch the whole thing. In addition to the really interesting and intelligent things that were said, there were also very stupid and offensive things said. Dearly oppressed white conservative dumb dumb columnist for the American Spectator Ross Kaminsky’s contributions to the evening could probably best be classified more the latter than the former.
Look, I am not going to address this dude’s points in any serious way. (You can watch them for yourself if you’re into that sort of thing beginning around minute 14 above.) It was all very much “blah blah reverse racism blah blah white people are the real victims blah blah.” And here’s the thing: This is America. You can believe whatever stupid nonsense you want. It is quite literally the reason the pilgrims crossed the ocean. So, you do you, Ross Kaminsky. But know that whenever you spout off this insidious white man’s burden bullshit, the rest of us are going to be throwing you the type of shade this amazing kid threw your way all night long.
This child's reaction to this guy claiming reverse racism at #AfterFerguson is everything.
— Ben Carlos Thypin (@SoBendito) September 27, 2014
Have a nice weekend.
(h/t to my friend @sobendito)