Mexican officials announced Friday that they now believe the 43 college students who went missing September 26 after clashing with police in the southwestern state of Guerrero were shot, killed, and burned by narcos from an area drug cartel. Authorities suspect that Jose Luis Abarca, the mayor of the city of Iguala, and his wife ordered local police to confront the students at the Normal Rural School of Ayotzinpa for fear that they’d disrupt an event she was holding that night. Jesús Murillo Karam, Mexico’s attorney general, announced the government’s findings and then took questions, eventually calling an abrupt end to the press conference with the words “Ya me cansé,” or “I’ve had enough.” The phrase—along with #estoycansado—”I’m tired”—has been trending on Twitter and was a major part of this weekend’s mostly nonviolent protests, which included the burning of the front gate of Mexico City’s National Palace.