Mother Jones Legacy Society

Mother Jones Legacy Society

Mother Jones has recently merged with The Center for Investigative Reporting/Reveal. As we work on this transition, you might hear from fundraising staff from either organization. Thank you for your patience as we build a unified and strong nonprofit newsroom.

This is necessary work. The need is urgent and ongoing—our very democracy depends on it. When you join the Mother Jones Legacy Society by leaving a gift in your will or other estate plan, you can take pride in the fact that you’ll be supporting the hard work of Mother Jones journalists for decades to come. And take satisfaction in knowing that your values will endure beyond your lifetime.

Your forethought will support reporting on topics that matter most, from income inequality, gun violence, and the dark money flooding American politics to the suppression of women’s rights and the future of our planet.

As a member of the Mother Jones Legacy Society, you will receive:

  • Our heartfelt gratitude
  • A complimentary, lifetime subscription to Mother Jones magazine
  • Invitations to virtual events and to in-person happenings in your area
  • The inside scoop about Mother Jones in special email and mail updates
  • Recognition in our online honor roll

Meet Our Visionary Donors