Have you been following the great North Carolina school lunch totalitarianism story? Me neither. But as near as I can tell, a little girl who was enrolled in Raleigh’s “More at Four” Pre-K program came to school a few days ago without any milk, so someone — teacher’s aide? cafeteria worker? who knows? — told her to go through the lunch line and get some. (It was free.) But she got confused and thought she had to get a whole new lunch. When she told her mother about this, the mother decided that school bureaucrats were forcing her child to eat their lunch instead of the one she packed for her daughter. A local TV station picked up on this, and before long the conservo-sphere was reporting that jack-booted thugs in North Carolina were forcing every child in their schools to eat only their Obama-approved chicken nuggets instead of nutritious family-packed meals.
Seriously. That seems to be approximately what happened — though I’ll grant that the school system’s communication apparatus seems to bear a wee bit of fault here too. Mark Thompson has the entire bloody blow-by-blow here.