China recently invested $500 million in an Indonesian project that will feature Trump-branded hotels and a golf course. The investment looks like it’s already paying off:
The U.S. and China have agreed on the broad outline of a deal that would save imperiled Chinese telecom giant ZTE Corp., according to people with knowledge of the matter in both countries, as the two sides move closer to resolving their trade dispute.
The details are still being hammered out, the people said. If completed, the Trump administration would remove the ban on U.S. companies selling components and software to ZTE, a penalty that has threatened to put the company out of business. Instead, ZTE would be forced to make big changes in management, board seats and possibly pay significant fines, the people said.
You have to hand it to China. They know how the game is played and they don’t bitch about it. They just do what they have to do. Maybe it’s retaliation, maybe it’s a bribe, maybe it’s the right word in the right ear. Whatever it is, there are no hard feelings. It’s just business, not personal.