We finally have the official walkback. Yesterday, asked about who interfered with the US election in 2016, Trump said this with Vladimir Putin standing at his side:
I don’t see any reason why it would be Russia.
But wait! Today, safely back home in Washington DC, Trump says that he meant to say this:
I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia
That clears everything up!
Jesus Christ. The ability of this man to lie with a straight face in front of dozens of witnesses is just unbelieveable.
UPDATE FROM INCREDULOUS CNN REPORTERS: Dana Bash: “It almost makes it worse.”
Gloria Borger: “The president looked like he was a hostage in a hostage tape, reading something he didn’t want to read.”
Jim Sciutto: “A letter and an apostrophe? This is Orwellian.”
Nick Walsh: “You can tell by his body language, he didn’t mean wouldn’t.”
Brooke Baldwin: “How gullible does he think America and the world is?”