Artist's rendering of the Bestseller Tower in Brande, Denmark, which will be the tallest skyscraper in Western Europe when it's completed in 2023. The "Eye of Sauron" joke has already been used, so don't bother.Bestseller
Behold the Bestseller Tower, currently planned for construction in the rural Danish town of Brande, about an hour west of Aarhus. Why build a skyscraper on the wide-open, windswept plains of Jutland? Because that’s the headquarters location of Bestseller, the giant Danish clothing company, and the hometown of its founder, Denmark’s richest man.
So that all makes sense. But according to The Skyscraper Center,¹ it will be 1,050 feet tall and 45 stories high. That’s a little over 23 feet per story. Doesn’t that seem like an awful lot? For comparison, the average for the hundred tallest buildings in the world is about 16 feet per story. What’s the deal here? Danes are tall people, but they aren’t that tall.
¹“The Global Tall Building Database of the CTBUH,” aka the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat.